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2022-23 Class Registration Begins!
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June 6, 2022 @ 9:00 am
8217 Rochester Ave.
8217 Rochester Ave.
New Class Session begins July 11th.
- Tuition is due at the beginning of the month. Tuition received after the 7th is subject to a $10 Late fee. Tuition received after the 14th is subject to an additional $5 late fee. (Total of $15). Tuition is non-refundable once student has begun attending their registered class(es).
- Tuition is based on a four-week month. Five-week months will be applied to studio holidays or vacation days. This Excludes Private Lessons
- The returned check fee is $25.
- An Annual Session Registration fee of $30 will be charged for each student enrolled in classes.
- All private lessons will be paid in advance at the beginning of each month and is non-refundable.
- It is the responsibility of the student to make-up missed classes within a month from when the absence occurred. Make-up classes may not be taken in the same class in which the absence occurred. Make-up lessons are non-transferable. Make-up lessons must be scheduled with the Front Desk and are subject to availability.
- Students (or parents) may not be in a classroom without an instructor’s presence or permission.
- Only bottled water is allowed in classrooms/studios.
- Email is VSPA’s main form of mass communication. Add info@vspa.net to your address book. I will read all pertinent communications.
- Entering VSPA Buildings you Agree Not to hold Valverde School of Performing Arts Owners, Staff, Teachers, and Volunteers liable for exposure to any illness while on the premises.
- It is the parent’s responsibility to call or email the office if you wish to drop a class. Tuition will be charged until the office is informed.
- I hereby grant permission to Valverde School of Performing Arts representatives, to take and use: photographs, video and/or digital images of me & my child for use in news releases and/or educational materials. These materials might include printed or electronic publications, Web sites or other electronic communications. I further agree that our names and identities may be revealed in descriptive text or commentary in connection with the image(s). I authorize the use of these images & video without compensation to me. All negatives, prints, digital reproductions shall be the property of Valverde School of Performing Arts.
- There are NO REFUNDS for any Costume the Valverde School of Performing Arts orders for you.
- I agree to inform Valverde School of Performing Arts anytime my child will be unable to participate in a show / event. I also understand that if this is past the Opt-Out deadline, fees will still be assessed and I will be responsible for payment.