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Act 2 Technical Rehearsal

June 19, 2018 all-day
Lewis Family Playhouse

Participation in the Technical rehearsal is mandatory. The tech rehearsal allows the

students to become familiar with the auditorium surroundings and feel comfortable with

their performance, theater, and being onstage. Lighting, music cues, set changes, and all

other logistics for an organized and professional performance are rehearsed so that the

students make the best impression possible.

Why a tech rehearsal?

Often parents question the importance of the tech rehearsal for their child. In fact, the key

to a successful performance for your child is the tech rehearsal. Here’s why:

• The stage is much larger than the classroom and is often intimidating to the


• The stage lights can be frightening and disorienting to young children.

• Modifications to the choreography can be made at tech rehearsals. A student who

misses the rehearsal will not have the chance to practice any of the changes


• Students often rely on the classroom mirrors to help them with spacing and

formations. Having the chance to dance without the security of the mirror before

the performance is very important for their confidence.

• Students have the chance to practice their stage entrances and exits and get used to

being in such a large space.

• Confidence is critical to a successful performance. The tech rehearsal offers your

child the chance to feel ready for the show.

And there’s another big reason why the tech rehearsal is important. One of the main

objectives of our curriculum is to teach the spirit of teamwork and commitment to

classmates. When children miss the rehearsal, the result can be confusion for the

remaining students (an absence affects spacing and timing).

We run an organized and timely rehearsal process; your help with the process will

guarantee a professional production.

ONE parent or guardian may accompany each student to the tech rehearsal. Please, no

siblings who do not dance! The theater is not staffed to handle a full house, like a show

day. Please be respectful.
